What are Leads in Sales

10 Feb 2020

10 Feb 2020

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What are Leads in Sales

The basic meaning of a "lead" is an organisation or individual who is interested in your offer. This type of interest is expressed by sharing contact information, including the email ID, a social media handle, and the phone number that can get the organisation a sales lead.

It means getting a customer who fits the sales criteria because he is interested in getting your product or service, is authorised to decide and has the means to buy it.

There is a difference between marketing and sales leads where marketers may feel good about the number of customer leads generated each day for the initial level of response gained by the customers. Yet, such a response may not see the apprehensions; hence, the marketing team cannot see the reason for the loss caused by poor lead quality.

So, if the marketers do not get an accurate response from the buyer or visitors to the site coming through subscription, it may not lead to conversion. Hence, multiple unattended causes may result in the sale being dismissed as low quality without cross-verification.

What Are Sales Leads?


Sales Lead Definition –

  • Sales leads can be a person or a firm who provides the hope that they will become a company's customers. 

  • The initial positive intent generated by the marketing teams may result in delayed follow-ups and lost opportunities if the team concentrates more on numbers; instead, the marketing team needs to attend to fewer high-quality leads to get better conversions instead of managing unnecessary junk. 

  • When the leads are not transformed into clients, one can blame the marketers for not targeting the interested customers of the product or services offered by the firm. 

  • Firms adopt multiple strategies to get interested clients' attention, and the figures find only 25% of the initial response remains loyal and can be converted into sales (Gleanster Research).

  • The call centre executives take on an average of 1.3 calls before giving up. 

So, there exists a continuous conflict between the sales and marketing teams, and the company may continue to spend on getting new interests junked by the sales team. 

What Is Lead Generation?

What is a lead for a marketer? It indicates the information related to a person or an organisation that is nurtured to get it converted into sales. This information can be a person's phone number or other contact information of a party interested in your services or products. 

But the same information needs to be considered qualified in terms of sales. 

There are four stages in a customer's journey. In the initial stage, the potential customer is contacted by the firm when they click on the link about the product offered by the firm online or make a phone call to know more about it, as the customer searches for different types of products through the product site or the eCommerce site or social media, or word of mouth or advertisement.

If they visit the site and enquire about the product or when they search for it on the eCommerce site, they mainly aim to compare the product with alternative options available in the market. 

Such information can be just an inquiry where the customer does not intend to buy the offered product or service. The vague interest shown by the customer in the deal can turn out to be one of the best deals, or it can be junk gathered by the marketing team. 

Suppose the number of junk contacts is more. In that case, the sales team will be wasting their time and resources chasing contacts that may not respond to their calls. At the same time, investing towards follow-ups and calling up new quality or sales-ready options prevents the depletion of resources. 


Leads Can Be Generated Through Methods – 


Information Qualified – It is the method where the visitors to the site are directed to a thank you page where they may have to register or, download a link, or get a subscription offer. The contact information provided by the visitors is used to send follow-up emails.

Such links provide more information about the company, and the offer may serve as a problem solver to the user. The firm may send thank you messages to the emails followed by emails regarding the products and services offered by the company.

The contact information filled in by the user is used to send invitations for free webinars, free samples, product specifications, catalogues, case studies, etc. 


Marketing Qualified- It represents an advanced stage where the firm can offer users free trials, demos, consultations, and coupon discounts. 


Sales Qualified – It shows immediate interest in the company's offers. The best method to handle such visitors is to act within 24 hours of getting such business leads or customer leads.

The customer may have signed up and was using the trial version. However, they are in the process of making up their mind to get the subscription version. Still, if the sales team responds quickly, the client can change their mind and opt for another similar product available in the market, leading to a loss of opportunity. 

What Is The Sales Lead Management Process?

In case a stranger initiates "interest", the transition of the stranger to a customer is most natural. Inbound marketing is where you post the advertisement, implement your marketing strategies and wait for customer leads' responses.

If the initiation attracts an audience, it can be converted into a customer by proper methodologies adopted by the sales team. Such leads are called sales qualified. 

Quality business leads are the ones where the initial inquiry goes well with the ideal customer persona. It is the case where the customer is interested in getting information as they are interested in buying the product or services if they find it comparably valuable.

The sales team can invest their efforts towards pursuing such clients instead of pursuing junk info. If the sales team finds the customer interested, they can ask the buyer to take a free trial or get a product demo for the sales-ready ones. 

It does not mean one should not pursue junk as someone who is not interested may sometimes, in the future, become interested in buying the product or services.

However, a proper process should be assigned to the sales team to set priorities and chase clients in a manner where the most interested parties are considered first. 

Sales Lead Management Process And Setting Up Priorities.

Sometimes, all the leads come through to the sales, but the team has yet to determine the strategy to handle it where they may contact and follow up on bad ones, resulting in lost opportunities. 

Sales and marketing teams always need help with qualified customer leads and lost opportunities. The marketing may toss every lead to the sale to follow up, and as the sales go deeper, they discover that these are mostly low quality, which can discourage the team as they do not get any openings.

Sometimes, the teams may stop following up, missing the ones ready to buy. The key step towards fixing such issues is prioritising contacts and ranking them as per their interest level and readiness. Companies score such information as hot, warm, and cold or A, B, C, and D.

If one does not have an automated business leads scoring system integrated with the CRM, one can prioritise other ways to restrict buyers from moving from the website to another similar site. For example, one can classify the leads into three groups that tell if it is information-qualified, marketing-qualified, or sales-qualified. 

Those interested in buying should be pursued first to finalise the positive deals. Then, the team can invest in uninterested individuals who want to know about the service or product. They may get interested if they are contacted by the sales team and explained the advantages of buying it over other available options. 

What Are B2B Sales Leads?

B2B sales leads may provide faster follow-ups and higher closing rates. It can provide a combination of "fit" and "interest". To get a good response, the team must follow up on the warmest leads and spend less on the cold leads. 

What Are Leads In Salesforce?

In Salesforce, leads refer to a prospective client or a new opportunity called an unqualified sales opportunity. Such leads are generated through real-life interactions like meeting someone at a conference or online through form-filling requests.

It can be a data entry made by Salesforce manually where the system creates a new record against the sales team/team member. One can import the list through the web to lead generation or automated system salesforce dot com with the new account contacts and opportunities. 

What Are The Types Of Leads In Sales?

As per Sales Lead Definition, it can be of 4 types-


Suspects – This indicates the potential buyers at the top of the purchase funnel are interested in a product or service as they visit the website and try to gain general information. 

Suspects can be moved towards purchase through lead nurturing, where the marketer is expected to maintain the line of communication with the buyer and provide useful information to them.

Hot – It is the kind of ready-to-buy, an immediate requirement, and it may have a fixed time and budget for closing.


Warm – If the user is interested in the product and has trialled it, they may actively compare and look around for various alternatives. Yet, if actively pursued, the client's mind can be locked before he changes his mind.

Cold – It indicates the group of users who have never heard about your products and are not ready to buy them sometimes now. 

How To Generate Leads In Sales?

There are multiple ways to generate leads –

  • Some companies may buy leads when they cannot generate valuable customer leads. It happens when the data is old when the company uses previously used customer contacts, or if you are buying leads from people outside your sales area or against the acceptable use policy. 

  • Some organisations integrate tools to automate and optimise visitor response. 

  • Search engine optimisation provides one of the best ways to get prospective buyers. Marketers can use SEO to get higher page ranks in Google searches.

  • The content should describe the product effectively, which can help drive traffic to your website and increase the inbound sales leads. 

  • The site's landing page should be distinct and capture leads through forms, trials, offers, or other options.

  • Webinars are online conferences where the presenter discusses certain relevant topics. In addition, some online platforms can be used to discuss the features of the products offered. 

  • Blog posts and social media marketing require consistent efforts, where you need to post every day to update the page and tell about the latest happenings in the firm. 

Directories and press releases can provide a basic idea about the firm's products or services. 

How To Get Leads In Sales?

The main aim of the firm's marketing team is to generate business and get new buyers – which can help increase revenue where the teams need to integrate and work in alignment towards one goal.

Sales prospect means a step towards finalising the deal with initialising the sale process where the seller knows the visitors meet the basic criteria to be a customer and is ready to move into the next phase of the purchase stage, where they order the product and become the customer.

The service department of the firm needs to install the service and after-sale features. In addition, they may have to maintain follow-ups to ensure the customer remains loyal.

The last stage is the installation or deployment of the product or service, and it is the part that the customer may purchase or the product is physically installed at the customer's location.

It is a very important stage where appropriate customer service helps to develop long-term relationships with the buyer that help to build customer loyalty and create brand retention. 

What Are Leads In Sales Of The Office?

It involves existing customer referrals, direct marketing, or employee and partner referrals to help the business get new clients.

How Do Qualify Leads In Sales?

Automatic evaluation of leads can be carried out through grading and scoring methods. As the firm starts with sales, it spends time talking to the customers to understand better the particular actions of the visitors to gather information related to the best quality leads. 

The marketing and sales team must work together to design strategies for the buying process to ensure the leads remain dedicated, guaranteeing a better customer experience.

Companies with better coordination between sales and marketing achieve twenty per cent of annual sales, and those with poor coordination suffer from a revenue decline of around four per cent (Marketing Profs). The report also finds that alignment helps generate 208% more through marketing. 

The team should know about the buyer's profile to determine if the customer will benefit from the product. The profile can include the needs, challenges, and ways the product will be helpful to the buyer. 

The organisation must differentiate between the intent and interest to prioritise high-quality business leads and ensure the product is nurtured in the right way to entice the right person and avoid decision-making delays. 

Artificial intelligence, behavioural scores, and traditional scoring methods to align the sales and marketing efforts best can augment the outcome. 

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