Changing SEO Factors for 2019

15 Jan 2019

15 Jan 2019

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Changing SEO Factors for 2019

SEO performance of a website with unique content soars in ranking throughout the year.   In 2018, Google modified its algorithm, and now, it uses AI for up to 30 per cent of the queries. As a result, links on the page are no more significant than before.

Pages should be able to load faster and display fast. Slower pages can frustrate users, where a report by BBC news claimed half the shopper did not wait over 3 seconds on retail pages to load. The Nielsen Norman Group report claimed users leave the page in 10 to 20 seconds.  

Create A Mobile Version Page To Get Better Search Rank

Google has recognised mobile searches, and websites not appearing on the desktop version can show up in mobile searches. A mobile version of the website can be made for mobile-first indexing. 
We can also achieve it with AMP pages. AMP refers to Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Structured Data

The key criterion for determining page rank depends on the structured data. Therefore, the web pages should avoid mistakes in structured data and improve content focus. The mistakes in structured data include the data that does not match content or the ones that violate Google guidelines. 

Common examples of structured data are Excel files or SQL databases.

Local Rank

Local SEO refers to the process of 'optimising' your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. These searches take place on Google and other search engines.

Local SEO should not be ignored. On the contrary, the pages and websites need to use techniques to improve local ranking. 

People search for local businesses using various search engines… Google, Bing, Yelp, Apple Maps, etc.

Image SEO

The new search algorithm seeks image SEO. Images that tell a story or concepts with symbols or the ones which can illustrate the website in a better way are considered good for SEO.  Image size should be small as larger images reduce the download speed and may lead to a server crash.

The impact of well-designed, fast, loading quality images with an important message appears cohesive and professional. 


A little block of information or snippets is noticed as it appears on result pages when a user asks a question. Featured snippets can be added to the pages, which may get traffic easily. Snippets should be able to answer questions in short definitive ways. Bullets or numbered lists are preferred. 

Original Research

Stats and data should be included, and the content should be structured logically on the page. Original research pages and an increase in social sharing increase traffic. The website can start a case study, conduct surveys, and compile results to post original research. 

Using Tools And Innovative Technologies

Technology and tools should be able to deliver reports to retain clients.  Automation tools can be used, but proper historical data should be provided for machine learning, targeting, and bidding. Third-party applications or software should be updated regularly on the website.  

Podcasts, i.e. content in digital format, can be used for marketing, as it provides an extension of content marketing. The use of podcasts may increase in the coming years. Creating deeper content, writing blogs over 2000 words, or posts on newer topics can get a better search position.

A marketing campaign can only succeed if it provides cleaner, consistent information. A process with logical methods for navigation can help. PPC experts should be able to identify from previous campaigns the pitfalls and should be able to track conversions. 

For more information, contact Mont Digital at or email info (@)

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